Any Prophet That Says Nigeria Will Not Break Up, His Own God Must Be ‘Lord Luggard’ – CAN Chairman

Biafra News
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He said: “Some people have been predicting the breakup of Nigeria and the unity of the country is being threatened, based on reality and whether we like it or not, will one day break.“Where is Yugoslavia today?

Why won’t Nigeria break up? Who is the prophet who would tell you that he met with God and God told him that Nigeria must remain one? His god must be Lord Luggard.”“Nigerians have lost the whole system.
We hate speaking the truth to one another and love telling ourselves lies.“If you speak the truth, you are arrested and so, if you are dealing with your subjects, they have to tell you lies.
Once a country is run on lies, there will be an end to that country.”“I pity those places Nigeria is borrowing from. You are lending money to somebody, who is about to die; somebody who has cancer. “I am talking of Nigeria as a nation, a country that is exhibiting all signs of breakup and you are giving her money.
The highest China will begin to do is to maybe begin to seize some of the things it can lay its hands on.”“So, those lending money to Nigeria, I say sorry for them, because you are lending to someone whose days are numbered.
Things cannot continue going this way.”“When you go out and people know that you are a Nigerian, they call you Boko Haram.
They screen your passport in an extraordinary way.
“They put their eyes on you from departure from the airport up to your hotel accommodation. It shows that you are not normal and the simple reason is because you are a Nigerian.
“Nigeria is stinking around the world and that is why Nigerians are running and leaving the shores of this country

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