USA: Lawyer Michael Avenatti jailed for four Years for defrauding porn star Stormy Daniels of $300k book proceeds

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Celebrity lawyer Michael Avenatti was sentenced to four years behind bars for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from his most famous client, porn star Stormy Daniels.

Usa: Lawyer Michael Avenatti Jailed For Four Years For Defrauding Porn Star Stormy Daniels Of $300K Book Proceeds 1

The California lawyer, currently incarcerated, learned his fate in Manhattan federal court, where Judge Jesse M. Furman said the sentence will mean that Avenatti will spend another 2 1/2 years in prison on top of the 2 1/2 years he is already serving after another fraud conviction.

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The judge said Avenatti’s crime against Daniels was made “out of desperation” when his law firm was struggling.

Usa: Lawyer Michael Avenatti Jailed For Four Years For Defrauding Porn Star Stormy Daniels Of $300K Book Proceeds 2

He called Avenatti’s behavior “craven and egregious” and blamed it on “blind ambition.”He said he believed the sentence “will send a message to lawyers” that, if they go astray, they will lose their profession and their liberty.

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