
Tears as victims of Plateau attacks get mass burial

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A mass burial has been held for the people who were killed in recent bandit attacks in Plateau state.

The bandits had attacked different communities in Bokkos and Barkin-Ladi Local Government Areas of the state, killing scores.

The attacks that took place on Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24, in the Barkin Ladi Local Government Area’s Ruku, Hurum, Darwat, Mai Yanga Sabo, NTV villages in Gashish, and Ropp Districts, in addition to Bokkos LGA, have been denounced by the Berom Youth Moulders-Association, which is led by Solomon Mwantiri.

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NTV witnessed nine casualties, Mai Yanga Sabo had five, Darwat reported three, and Hurum had one victim.

The surrounding villages of Bokkos were the most severely affected, with over forty people lost their lives, many more being injured, food being looted, and property being destroyed.

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