Photos And Video From The Coronation Of His Royal Highness Utieyinoritsetsola Emiko, 21st Olu of Warri, Ogiame Atuwatse III

The ancient Iwere Kingdom, also known as Warri, which is the ancestral home of the Itsekiri in Warri South Local Government Area, Delta State, on Saturday, witnessed new dawn of history as His Royal Highness Utieyinoritsetsola Emiko, was crowned the 21st Olu of Warri, Ogiame Atuwatse III. According to history, this would be the first […]

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Lady Kills Her Husband With The Heel Of Her Shoe In Warri Delta State

A lady on Saturday, in Ugbuwangue, Warri, Delta State, hit her husband with the heel of her shoe over allegation of infidelity, killing him in the process. The mother-of-two struck her husband, Sylvester Etsebanghanro Ighomi, at the back of his head with the shoe. According eyewitnesses trouble started when the couples had engaged in a […]

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