JUST IN: Nigeria Retired Soldiers Protest 2 Years Of Unpaid Pension And Gratuity In Abuja (Photos And Video)

Some retired Nigeria soldiers are protesting the non-payment of their pension and other allowances in front of the Ministry of Finance, Abuja. Some of the protesters who came with mats also carried placards. They call for the enrollment of verified veterans on the pension scheme and the need to address the disparity in salary and […]

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JUST IN: NIgerIa Army Releases Female Soldier Who Accepted Marriage Proposal From Youth Corps Member

The NIgerIa Army has released Hannah Sofiat Akinlabi, a female soldier detained after video clips of her being proposed to by a male corps member at the National Youth Service Corps orientation camp in Yikpata, Kwara State, went viral on social media. According to Africhome sources, Sofiat was released on Christmas days Saturday 25/12/2021. Spokesperson […]

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Just In: Army Arrests Female Soldier Who Was Proposed To By A Corps Member

Report has it that the female soldier who recently got a marriage proposal from a corps member in Kwara State NYSC Orientation Camp is currently in the custody of the Nigerian Army. According to report, her sins include; Not due for marriage. Romancing on uniform publicly. Absent on parade. Indiscriminate behaviour. Doing other things aside […]

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Soldier Commits Suicide After killing a Customs Officer In Seme

A soldier attached to 243 Recce Battalion Ibereko, Badagry, LCP Mahmud Sulaiman, turned the gun on himself after he shot dead a customs officer at Seme border on Wednesday. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) gathered that the incident occurred when the team leader was trying to retrieve the gun from Sulaiman following his strange […]

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Nigeria Soldiers Allergyly Kill Car Owner At A Cheak Point In Owerri

Nigeria soldiers have allegedly shot and killed a businessman, Noel Chigbu in Owerri Imo state Nigeria. According to the victim’s elder brother and spokesman for the family, Tobechi Chigbu, said on Monday that the military men at the Amakohia flyover in Owerri killed Noel around 10pm on Friday. He narrated that Noel was shot dead […]

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Nigeria Soldier Sentence To Death By Firing Squad For Killing Colleague In Borno State

The court-martial sitting in Maiduguri, Borno State capital has sentenced Trooper Azunna Maduabuchi to death by firing squad. ⁣⁣Maduabuchi was sentenced for killing the adjutant of his unit, one Lieutenant Babakaka Ngorgi. ⁣⁣Trooper Maduabuchi was arraigned for murder after shooting Lieutenant Ngorgi in July 2020 at close range in Bama Local Government of Borno State […]

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